Ancient Greek Literary Letters
Patricia A University of Wisconsin and 1 more
Not Available
The History of Zonaras
Thomas Canisius College and 4 more
Ctesias' 'History of Persia'
Lloyd LlewellynJones and 2 more
Thomas Banchich and 1 more
Ctesias' History of Persia
Ctesias and 2 more
The Lost History of Peter the Patrician
Peter and 1 more
Byzantine Readings of Ancient Historians
Anthony Kaldellis
Thomas Canisius College and 2 more
Musaeus' Hero and Leander
Silvia Montiglio
The Sorrows of Mattidia
Curtis Hutt
Musaeus, Hero and Leander
Musaeus and 1 more
Plutarch’s Three Treatises on Animals
Stephen T Newmyer
Megasthenes' Indica
Richard Stoneman
Pytheas of Massalia
Lionel Scott
Three Ancient Geographical Treatises in Translation
Hanno and 2 more
Musonius Rufus and His Contexts
Peter Anderson